United Kingdom
Is it too late to plant anemone blanda?
4 Oct, 2021
Just as an aside, be carefull where you plant them as they are very invasive and will spread before you know it.
5 Oct, 2021
I wish they'd do that for me Jimmy.
6 Oct, 2021
Jimmy that sounds fabulous! Thankyou both for answering.
6 Oct, 2021
Eileen, I have them growing between the stone chippings in my front garden and have spent the best part of five years picking the seedlings and there will be a few left next year. These are just like the purple violets in my previous garden
but the seedlings ended up in some of the adjacent neighbours' gardens. On a lighter note, my primroses (which I love) self-seed everywhere.
6 Oct, 2021
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Not at all, in fact it is ideal as the corms will go into relatively warm and wet soil and that will start them off nicely.
I am hoping to get some new ones this week.
5 Oct, 2021