By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Alocasia found Black Velvet
For some reason, not that I am complaining, Victoria has taken a liking to the more unusual houseplant after years of saying 'plants are boring'.
She is currently hankering after Alocasia Black velvet or Alocasia Snake [?]
Do any of you good people have any small cuttings/plants of either that I can purchase from you?
One of our local plant shops showed us some that she can get from the wholesaler. They would cost her £6.30 each [I can read upside down] but the cost to us is a whopping £29.99 for a plant with 3 leaves in a 9cm pot. This seem one heck of a mark up especially as she gets 'them in and within 3 days they are sold. We can order one today and pick it up on Saturday'
If any one can help I will obviously pay postage and packing.
Hywel, she has claimed the Rhipsalis you sent, so it is packed ready to go to uni tomorrow. She has promised me a cutting later!
Thanks for reading.

6 Jan, 2022
I bought an Alocasia zebrina last summer but after I repotted it, it decided to die back. I got it in B&M bargains (I've bought several plants there and they are all fine)
It has few roots but I am hoping it will revive.
I have another small cutting of R. pilocarpa Eileen so if you want it I could send it to you.
6 Jan, 2022
That's good to know about B&M, we have a couple either side of our village each about 5 miles away.
Thanks for the offer but I wont take it as I am hoping she will propagate it herself, also the ovary is swelling on several of the spent flowers. It would be great if she got seeds.
6 Jan, 2022
I hope she gets seeds, I've never been able to get any, the berries usually shrivel up or drop off before I can take them.
Cuttings usually root easily :)
6 Jan, 2022
I've tried to look up this plant, in search, but nothing comes up. I just was interested to see what it looks like. Can you put a picture on please?
8 Jan, 2022
this should take you to the images page Feverfew.
8 Jan, 2022
Eileen, of course I would be happy to send you a plant or two without a second thought, but the International Shipping Laws forbid it. Let's not cross that line, lol. Those plants are as common as grass. The one called "African Mask' is particularly striking. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
8 Jan, 2022
thanks Paul but like you I don't intend to break quarantine laws. Too many diseases to transmit!
Victoria is only after Dragon Scale or Black Velvet, though African Mask is pretty.
9 Jan, 2022
success today found a nice black velvet one for under a tenner. Picture added to the question.
11 Jan, 2022
I can see why Victoria sought after it so vehemently. It looks exactly like Black Velvet. I’m glad she got it.
Do you know what level of lighting these plants require? I wonder if one will thrive in my front porch which is north facing with windows on all sides.
13 Jan, 2022
this is indeed black velvet. They need bright but indirect light 60-70% humidity and approx 70F for temp according to the care label that came with it.
It is now at University as I went to see her today. She was having an afternoon off as she has handed in her latest assessment piece a day early.
13 Jan, 2022
Thank you for the pic & info Sbg. I have seen this plant in the Garden Centres, it is very attractive. I never looked at the price tho' as I don't have room for one.
15 Jan, 2022
Not snake but Dragon Scale, I knew a reptile was involved somewhere.
6 Jan, 2022