By Mowerman
East Sussex coast,
United Kingdom
Growing from last years potatoes.
Last year I grew Sarpo Mira from purchased seed potatoes.
They were all stored in a bucket in the garage, we used the larger ones and left the small ones in the bucket.
I was about to discard them and noticed that many have now sprouted small eyes. Can these be used as seed potatoes for the coming season?
23 Jan, 2022
I agree with Owd. If they were disease [blight/ mosaic virus] free then they wil; be fine. Like Owd I get new ones from the ones missed.
24 Jan, 2022
As long as there was no sign of any virus in the ones you used then, yes you may. We have taken crops from our Veg patch for years without ever planting any seed potatoes, just from the 'volunteers' left behind when digging.
23 Jan, 2022