By Spritzhenry
West Somerset,
My neighbours have a very pretty plant growing over their wall. It is like a cushion, evergreen, low growing but obviously hardy. It has little bright yellow flowers at this time of year, and I'd love to be able to get one for my own garden. Can anyone please identify it for me?

9 Apr, 2022
Have a look at Erysimum kotschyianum as well. the flowers there look as if they are cruciform. We used to have a dwarf perennial wallflower like this.
10 Apr, 2022
Thanks, both! I think Seaburn may be right on her ID. I googled it and it looks right.
11 Apr, 2022
Its very attractive. Spritz its really really nice to hear from you again. So many members are going off to join other sites - all very sad.
11 Apr, 2022
hello Spritz, lovely to see you.
I've never seen this, it is very pretty. The flower form looks very arabis/aubretia like doesn't it? What is the foliage like?
at first I thought an early flowering potentilla but they usually have 5 petals per flower.
Have a look at Calylophus serrulatus.
10 Apr, 2022