By Somhairle
Tip of the day........ maybe.
As I was 'reclaiming' some plastic plant labels, I wondered how many people reuse their labels.
Some years ago, I switched from using a marker pen on the labels. I have read that the ink can be cleaned off and the label reused. But I always found that did not work satisfactorily. So, now I use a decent pencil and when the label is ready to be reused, I simply use a pencil rubber to remove the old writing and the label comes up like new.
Far better than using marker pens and wasting a perfectly good label.
27 Apr, 2022
I often use permanent pen and when it comes to cleaning I use nail varnish remover. and cotton wool.
with pencil I find a dirty garden glove rubs it off and roughens the surface ready for the next pencil name.
27 Apr, 2022
I use a 2B or 3B pencil, it stays on long enough and cleans off easily.
27 Apr, 2022
Like OB, I use wire wool, Brillo type pad
28 Apr, 2022
For those who have not tried it, give te pencil and rubber thing a go. Honestly, it is easy-peasy.
28 Apr, 2022
I use wire wool to clean labels.
27 Apr, 2022