By Welshange
United Kingdom
Hi, how is everyone, any ideas on pruning the honeysuckle, which is still growing but too big on frame? Just chop or select areas.......? Thank you in anticipation :)
27 Sep, 2010
Ah ok, will use my lekky trimmer, woohoo, tyvm, Bamps :)
27 Sep, 2010
Bamps !! ahh you've made my day :-)))
27 Sep, 2010
I used to give mine a right good hack back (can't remember what time of year though), it used to really help it fill out nice and busy.
28 Sep, 2010
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tough as they come is the honeysuckle, trim it back as you see fit. What I am doing at the moment is selecting 3 of the main stems & training them up a fan shape of strings, anything growing outside the fan is pruned off. It's starting to look like something now as it fills out the gaps.
27 Sep, 2010