United Kingdom
Rowan sapling needs help. Potted last year in 6” pot with compost and gravel. Looking poorly with brown patches on older leaves. Can you advise me on potting on? Don’t want it in the ground yet.

19 May, 2022
Thanks so much Bamboo. I can see now that it has such a long stem that it certainly needs a deeper pot. I'll take your advice and order some John Innes compost to mix with my multi-purpose.
20 May, 2022
It really needs to go in the ground this autumn, preferably...
21 May, 2022
Yes put it in the ground, they grow quickly, I had one set itself 2years ago but it was too close to another tree I planted. I moved it at the beginning of the year and it's doing really well.
22 May, 2022
Can I plant it on a slope?
23 May, 2022
If you repot it, don't use gravel in the bottom of the pot, though. That just stops the drainage. Just put plastic screen over the drainage holes.
23 May, 2022
You can plant it on a slope - it might grow at an angle if its a very steep slope, but no reason why a tree won't grow on a mild slope.
26 May, 2022
So many thanks for your tips.
Tug, won't plastic screening lead to poor drainage?
27 May, 2022
Counted cross stitch screen from the craft store is ideal, but plastic window screen is usually coarse enough.
30 May, 2022
It simply doesn't have sufficient root room, that could be the main cause of the problem. I would suggest you pot on into something a fair bit bigger and particularly deeper with new potting soil, preferably John Innes No. 3 or a mix of that and multi purpose compost.
20 May, 2022