By Ellen123
United Kingdom
I have been plagued this year with very small black, flies is it possible they could come from my calathea plant? I cant say that I have seen them in the compost when watering regards
28 Sep, 2010
If you are talking about little black gnats indoors, those could be fungus gnats coming from the soil of your houseplants. I've found that organic mosquito granules containing Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis are usually effective applied to the soil surface. Otherwise water the plants with carbaryl solution or apply Provado granules. They can colonize the drains in the house, so it's often a good idea to pour disinfectant down the drains, too.
Those gnats arre often a symptom of overwatering, so I would also double check my watering practices.
28 Sep, 2010
Probably pollen beetles - there seems to have been an excess of these this year for some reason, so if you've not had a problem before, it'll probably be okay next year - unless you have fields full of rapeseed nearby...
28 Sep, 2010