By Arbuthnot
United Kingdom
Anyone know what this is? There was a mass of it growing in an urn but I don’t have anything like it in my garden. There are no sign of flower buds.

12 Jun, 2022
could you take a picture of it in situ so we can see the way it grows.
Doesnt look like wood avens as it seems shiny.
12 Jun, 2022
Can’t take another picture because I’ve thrown the plants in the garden refuse bin. The urn, which was going to be planted up again, was full of these little plants. They came out very easily and wilted quickly. I wondered about ground elder but since I’ve not had experience of it I can’t tell.
13 Jun, 2022
I’ve just looked up Herb Bennet and it seems the most likely answer. The urn is in a shady fairly moist border. Anyway, unless proved otherwise that’s what it’s going to be!
Thank you for you help.
13 Jun, 2022
I was pretty sure as I'm plagued with it at present.If you let it flower the flowers should be small and yellow.
13 Jun, 2022
Rather hard to tell but check out HerbBennet (aka Wood Avens, aka Geum urbanum.
12 Jun, 2022