By Piers66
United Kingdom
Is homemade garden compost suitable for pots on its own?
I have a couple of compost heaps that, after some time, produce what seems like quite decent compost, though the main constituent is grass cuttings. I layer grass with last autumn's rotted down leaves, but it's more 'greens' than 'browns'.
I've been using it re-potting plants, but I get the impression that it doesn't hold water particularly well, as some pots need watering almost daily at the moment.
Should I be mixing it with something else? When I watch Gardener's World I see they tend to mix what I guess is commercial compost with garden compost, leaf mold, etc...
19 Jun, 2022
Tend to agree with Jimmy.Have to say though that one year I did try using unrotted lawn mowings over the winter and it did improve my heavy clayish soil very much.
19 Jun, 2022
Previous question
I would tend to use commercial composts alone for potting on bedding and potting up into larger containers of established plants. I guess that your compost having lots of grass cuttings will be on the acid side and can contain unwanted seeds and pathagens that might not have been distroyed my the composting. Much better to use your own compost to dig in at springtime or use as a mulch to mantain the moisture and create an environment for earthworms in the soil.
19 Jun, 2022