By Meadowland
Monmouthshire ,
United Kingdom
Does anyone know where Hywel's new blog is...One moment it was there and then hey presto nowhere to be .seen!
23 Jun, 2022
think it was called for Steragram about a cactus flower.
23 Jun, 2022
Ah, in that case I wonder if Hywel deleted it himself.
23 Jun, 2022
Hywel has emailed me to say he is deleting his GoY account. He is still on Garden Friends and I know he is in contact with several members via FB.
23 Jun, 2022
I have sent Hywel a PM (at 19.45) asking him to 'hang on in there' as I think the unsolicited photos that appear are not being removed from the site quick enough for Hywel!
Admittedly, it does become frustrating, but it's easy enough to click on the next photo and ignore the one before.
I do hope we can get him to stay, he was one of the first GoY members to welcome me to the site back in 2010!
23 Jun, 2022
Julia, he's still here at 20.10 this evening. I clicked on his avatar and his blogs/photos are there. It would normally say 'Account deleted' if he had ... I do hope he remains on here.
23 Jun, 2022
I shall miss Hywel but I understand why he wants to leave. This site has deteriorated some since I joined years ago, i.e. many of us no longer receive notifications, or if they do it's only sometimes; unsolicited pictures take a while to be removed. I think a lot of the older members have left too, for whatever reason. Its such a shame because it's generally been an easy site to use and navigate.
I'm not leaving yet though!
24 Jun, 2022
Oh dear, I'm really sorry about this. It has been a life saver for me . What kind of unsolicited pictures are you talking about? If they are any kind of ad doesn't Adblocker filter them out? I don't get them.
24 Jun, 2022
I'm afraid that I don't even know what you mean about unsolicited photos. I only look at the questions, so perhaps that's why.
I do hope Hywel has second thoughts. I've always found this site to be friendly and so helpful and I've been a member since about 2008. I'm not clear about what Hywel's objection is.
24 Jun, 2022
There have been some photos, usually from Asian countries, advertising female escort services and the like! Not much left to the imagination.
24 Jun, 2022
there have been a few photos of girls, scantily clad but not pornographic. Obviously not what is expected on a garden forum. But Dave usually removes them within a day. He had computer issues and that was why it took so long.
I have no intention of leaving as I like the format. People have always come and gone, often because they have moved onto other hobbies/interests or general life gets in the way.
Also some prefer to use their phones so FB and Instagram become quicker/easier etc.
25 Jun, 2022
Never had those ads on here but I do get them in my email inbox. Very sorry that Hywel has left: he was a great contributor.
25 Jun, 2022
Oh those! Perhaps the pics are worse for men. If I see one occasionally it doesn't do a thing for me, I just dismiss them as sluts and pass on. It is irritation though. Have you noticed the list of new members these days? There is never a genuine one there any more, just what appear to be random collections of letters.
26 Jun, 2022
This is a wonderful garden site. Take it easy and relax. Why over react to the glitches that may pop up on GOY?
27 Jun, 2022
That's a pity Hywel has decided to leave..I get the odd pop up, but, I just ignore them.
My brain can ignore ads etc that are in the periphery of the site fortunately.
28 Aug, 2022
Kate, his account is still active so perhaps he will return one day.
28 Aug, 2022
He is regularly on the Garden Friends site. He is well and getting on with lots of stuff in his garden.
28 Aug, 2022
Here's hoping, Shirley...🤞
28 Aug, 2022
I have not noticed any changes in this website since I came on board about 10 years ago. Members attitude towards this site do change but there is nothing unusual about that and it is to be expected.Some members never leave GOY but no longer participate. Some quietly delete themselves from this site and are gone, mostly unnoticed. Others, will make a big to do about deleting and try to get other members to jump ship with them for some reason or another. All this is happening because GOY has been around for quite a while now and is no longer the bright shiny new object.
29 Aug, 2022
Previous question
« I've been using peat free compost this year, but my pot plants don't seem...
The one about the Cactus flower? Still there at 8am today.
23 Jun, 2022