By G3rol
United Kingdom
Can you add used soil to your compost bin? I've grown some Tomatoes in tubs and wondered if I can just tip the spent soil into my compost bin rather than throwing it away. Will it get re-juvinated?
2 Oct, 2010
Careful there aren't any weed seeds in it though. I don't know whether being in a compost bin would kill them or not.
2 Oct, 2010
Thanks for the quick replies. Much appreciated :-)
2 Oct, 2010
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It will all mix in nicely with your compost, as long as the other 'ingredients' are full of'll add 'body'. We get horse manure and put a layer in occasionally... that's a great help!
The other thing you could do with it if there's a lot is to spread it round your garden on top of the soil.
2 Oct, 2010