How do you get Liriope muscari to flower?
By Andrewr
This is a question I ask frequently and get many different replies but I'll ask it again on here and see what reaction it gets.
How do you get liriope muscari to flower? I've been growing this plant for several years now with clumps in various parts of the garden, trying to find conditions it likes. I know it prefers shade so I have given it part shade, full shade, moist shade and dry shade but all to no avail. The only year it did deign to bloom, I had threatened it in the spring - "if you don't flower this year, you're coming out" - and it worked!
Short of making such threats again, does anyone know the secret for getting it to flower on a more regular basis?
On plant
Liriope muscari
15 Jan, 2008
As far as I know Andrew this is a middle of the road plant in terms of water and light -not too wet/dry, not too shady/sunny. Prefers an acid soil but will tolerate alkaline.
The only thought I had was soil nutrients. Maybe you are giving them too much nitrogen in your feed/soil. If I remember rightly this inhibits flower growth and promotes foliage. Stands by to be corrected :o )
Other than that, no idea!! Good luck
16 Jan, 2008
You have definitely metamorphasised (did I spell that right?) into HRH the Prince of Wales, Andrew, we all know he talks to his plants, don't we. I should try everything suggested and KEEP talking, they'll appreciate the attention! lol. I already told you some time ago, I don't do anything to mine, Nature does it. Sorry I can't help more, I know it's annoying when a plant refuses to flower.
16 Jan, 2008
this plant prefers a moist soil but will tolerate drought. When the leaves turn brown trim them off. They prefer an acidic soil and when the clumps get too dense, divide them. They prefer shade, partial shade. Stick with it Andrew, I'm sure they will pay you back one day.
18 Jan, 2008
Andrew...I have planted them any where and everywhere...even in direct light. I put them in just 4-6 weeks ago and they are blooming already, in every condition they find themselves in! Why, I even have some in a bucket, with water, and they are blooming in the bucket unplanted!
I agree with Spritzhenry keep talking! Threats once a year should do no harm! :)
7 Sep, 2009
Have you tried buying new plants and starting again? this is my first year it is the variegated one, has 5 flower spikes now...... it is in heavy moist soil, and in semi-shade, with a gravel mulch, could be beginners luck?
3 Nov, 2009
Dottydaisy...I asked the elder who gifted me with mine, she said that liriope just grows and grows and also blooms for her from plants she planted 20 years ago, which mine came from ...and they just keep blooming. She couldn't think of a reason why his liriope isn't blooming and she has had them forever! She has also gifted them to many people who just stick them in the ground whereever, and forget them...they just do well (in fact to the point of being pesky!)
3 Nov, 2009
DD - yes, I bought new plants this spring after losing patience with the old ones. Seems I am the only person who has a problem with them <sigh>
3 Nov, 2009
oh no you are not Andrewr. I have 3 clups that refuse to flower and i bought soe variegated ones back end last year and they are not flowering either. grrr.
5 Sep, 2010
To be honest i really don't know the secret, but i did have one about 10 years ago where i used to live, and it flowered every year the whole time i was there (approx 4 years) and i did nothing to it at all. as i remeber the conditions were as follows: heavy clay soil, quite wet and semi/full shade in the winter, dry with much more sun but still some shade in the summer, and i never moved or divided it. i used a thick mulch every year as i do now in spring and autumn, but i very rarely dig deep once i have planted a bed out, i dig over properly when i am creating a new bed, or re-organising it. then i just ruff up the soil every so often and mulch and let nature take its course - it was'nt a particually good plant when i bought it, i think i got it from a bootsale with no lable or anything - i just liked it and then looked it up to get the name. so maybe you have tried too hard with it, some things are best left alone arnt they, what type of soil do you have? because when i say thick heavy clay i mean - the bigest reason i did'nt do much digging lol! or pherhaps it likes the variation in wet/dry shade/sun maybe that is the key? the only other thing i can think of is that it was a pretty sheltered spot, close to the house. hope my long winded reply is of some use to you.
15 Jan, 2008