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Essex, United Kingdom

Hi All
Green manure?
Anybody know if it's a good idea to plant up a new flower bed with Green manure over this winter before planting it with shrubs/flowers in the spring?
Pros and cons welcome
Thanks in advance



If perhaps, you were a farmer or an allotments holder and would be planting green manure for a one-of crop it would work if you were perpared to leave the ground vacant overwinter. I believe you would be planning for a permanent bed then I would rough-dig over the winter and wait until springtime and prepare the soil with some compost or rotted manure.

22 Aug, 2022


Hi there jimmytheone,
Thanks, that's probably what I thought. Have put loads of well rotted manure on couple of months ago but as we haven't had rain its really dry so will dig over during colder weather as you say and perhaps put more down early spring. Thanks again for info. Kept googling and everything pointed to green manure and veg plots so I won't go there!

22 Aug, 2022


I don’t think it will work on a small scale. That type of thing is alright for the big with 100+ acres...see them do it all the time but not gardeners.

22 Aug, 2022

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