By Tonygregson
United Kingdom
Can Victoria Plum trees be grown in a pot??
3 Oct, 2010
For a few years only. Use good top soil too, mixed with a little compost but not just compost on its own.
3 Oct, 2010
also try and buy it on a M27 rootstock, dont usually make above 6ft.
3 Oct, 2010
You meant Pixy rootstock Steve didn't you, M27 is an apple root stock :-)
3 Oct, 2010
bonzie trees are tiny and live in pots to so like i say depends on how big you want your tree realy .
3 Oct, 2010
sorry Fractal, spot on, my mistake..its been a very long day today..
3 Oct, 2010
Bonsai are regularly root pruned and most of the old soil removed from the roots and replaced every two years in winter. That partly how they keep them small and in the same container for so long.
3 Oct, 2010
you are right fractal my friend grows them he has over 50 of them.
4 Oct, 2010
i thaught the question was can a victoria plum be grown in a pot ?
4 Oct, 2010
Yes, for a few years in good health, then it will almost certainly have to be planted.
4 Oct, 2010
unless you keep it bonzei ofcourse
4 Oct, 2010
Bonsai techniques are very helpful in keeping fruit trees in pots, but the necessary pruning can get complicated on fruits that bear on wood 2-5 years old like plums. Peaches and nectarines bear on one year old wood, so you simply cut out half of the new growth every year. Apples and pears have long-lived spurs, so you simply keep all new shoots cut back to a few leaves in summer, and do a little thinning out an simplification in winter. With plums, you need to keep track of the age of each twig, and cut it way back when it is over 4 years old, and head back the1 year old twigs from the interior so they won't get too big before they are of an age to form flowers. All without allowing the structure to become a hopeless tangle. Once expert, you can feel the glow of accomplishment, but you may go crazy on the way!
5 Oct, 2010
5 Oct, 2010
i thaught the question was and i quote "Can Victoria Plum trees be grown in a pot??
5 Oct, 2010
my mistake
5 Oct, 2010
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i think anything can be grown in a pot depending on the pot or how big you want your plant/tree .if you want your tree a good size then get a big pot.
3 Oct, 2010