By Willows
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
How do I get rid of toadstools from my lawn?
3 Oct, 2010
That certainly is the usual advice but one of my customers has had literally hundreds of toadstools in her lawn for the past 6 weeks. They are driving her nuts and she is driving me nuts wittering about them!
She simply will not accept that there is no simple way to eliminate them.Chemicals do not work.
I'm told that if you dig a trench one foot wider at each side of the toad stool clum and at least a foot deep and remove all the soil and replace with fresh soil this will work. I've not tried it though.. With a small clump this is doable but my customer has a fairy ring 10 feet in diameter which means a trench over 30 feet long
It ain't gonna happen! :)
3 Oct, 2010
No, I should think not! lol.
3 Oct, 2010
Thank you very much I think I shall buy a brush!!
4 Oct, 2010
Sweep them off, or just wait until they go, they don't last long.
3 Oct, 2010