By Phillistair
United Kingdom
Hello. From argyll, west coast of Scotland, I am planting against an east facing wall. What trees/shrubs would you recommend?
23 Sep, 2022
Hi Phil if you add your comment in the box below the last comment posted then everyone who has seen your question will see your response. If that makes sense.
and you are more than welcome to any help I and others can offer.
23 Sep, 2022
Welcome to GoY .
I have a couple of Pyracantha on an east facing fence, good dark foliage, white flowers late spring then berries now. I have an orange and a red berried one. Also have several different Cotoneasters, my favourite is Cotoneaster horizontalis. small insignificant flowers that bees etc adore then beautiful red berries.
Some of the hollies would work and they are evergreen and you can get variegated ones too.
Others I like include Skimmia, Sarcoccocca and Euonymus
The RHS site will have some excellent ideas.
23 Sep, 2022