By Gardener55
United Kingdom
Will this cherry tree survive?
This tree was severely damaged in the trunk in February. It managed to flower and fruit okay this year and it's now beginning to drop leaves for the winter. I am Just worried if it will survive long term. The area that is completely dead is about 2/3 of the trees circumference.

14 Oct, 2022
I'll have to add that it was damaged physically by animals, not by a disease.
14 Oct, 2022
It has survived this long so it would come through the winter fine. Unless that has been 'painted' with a treatment/sealant it does look like canker and that is not good.
link to the RHS advice below.
14 Oct, 2022
Interesting. I'm still not totally convinced it's canker because them gummy lesions you see are caused by an animal. The tree released the gum in response to the damage. I'll have to check the leaves for the black spots and holes later. I've added a picture of the top part of the tree, if that helps.
14 Oct, 2022
I'd leave it and see, they survive some really extensive bark damage 'in the wild'. If it leaf's next year and stops oozing then it is fine.
15 Oct, 2022
I would say it has bacterial canker by the resinous lesions and if this is the case then it's the end of the line I'm afraid. Take it down and burn or dispose of it.
14 Oct, 2022