By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
FAO Tugbrethil
Hi Tug...if I can call you that!
I have finally be able to take some photographs of said Ground Cover Phlox! It rained here for days but today has been positively balmy!
I think these plants look healthy...but all summer they were a brilliant green BUT no sign of a bud even!
ANY comments ....from anyone ...would be most welcome too!

4 Oct, 2010
Mine have also been good growers this year. the one in the poorest soil did flower. I suspect they flower better when 'starved' of nutrients. So next year dont give them any extra feed and see if it works for you.
4 Oct, 2010
Thanks Seaburngirl. I think you might have a point there...soil perhaps had too many nutrients! I'll 'starve' them next year! LOL.
4 Oct, 2010
All summer? Mine have flowered by May, and are over well before summer. Phil J
4 Oct, 2010
Hi, Izzy! Tug's just fine.
They look kind of feathery to me. In my experience, the leaves should be 2/3 as long as that, and 1/2 as far apart as they are. I suspect they are getting more shade than you realize. The soil looks pretty rich, too, so that may also be contributing to their over-enthusiasm.
I would stand right next to them, and look up and all around for bushes, trees buildings, eaves, umbrellas, etc., that might be blocking sunlight, especially to the south or west of them. I would also do as Sbg recommended and put them on a diet, or maybe move them into a grittier mix if that doesn't work--they grow on scree slopes in their natural habitat.
Hope this helps!
4 Oct, 2010
Thanks Tug...and everyone else for their comments Yes...when I stood right next to some of them, they are being somewhat shaded by shrubs. if I move them, should it be soon then? Sorry...more questions!
5 Oct, 2010
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I have approx 10 clumps ...just like these although some are bigger...but not a single one has flowered! Some have had more sun than others admittedly... but not a single flower! I am baffled!
4 Oct, 2010