Type of Soil for Gentian sino-ornata
By Misspiggy
West Lothian,
United Kingdom
Should this Gentian be grown in ericacious soil ?
On plant
Gentiana sino-ornata
4 Oct, 2010
Wow - that was a lightening quick reply. Thanks for that Spitzhenry - much appreciated.
4 Oct, 2010
You're welome. Hope you stay with us now you've found us! :-))
4 Oct, 2010
sadly spritz is right; I must track down the few that are alkaline tolerant as I garden on chalk.
4 Oct, 2010
That's interesting SBG, I didn't know there were lime tolerating ones. I will look out for them. I wonder though, are they so blue?
4 Oct, 2010
yes there are and i think they tend to be the ones that flower about now. When I had my daughter {september 92} a friend bought me specifically for my alkaline garden. Stupidly I never noted its name nor did I dig it up when I moved. The new owners composted it as they dont like blue flwoers. I could have cried.
4 Oct, 2010
I bet! I've just been researching - look at G. clusii. That seems to be one for less acid soils. :-))
4 Oct, 2010
Now all I need are ones that can take alkali, and 46+ deg. C summers! Sigh...love that unattainable blue!
4 Oct, 2010
Maybe best stick to blue Salvia's, Agapanthus, Sisyrinchium and Commelina's?
5 Oct, 2010
Not real close, except maybe the Commelinas--which are weeds here, anyway! ; )
5 Oct, 2010
5 Oct, 2010
Previous question
Yes - it won't tolerate alkaline soil.
4 Oct, 2010