By Aimankay
Aberdeenshire, United Kingdom
ID please as many of the autumn flowers as you can in the pic.
- 4 Oct, 2010
5 Oct, 2010
Why are you asking us this, by the way?
5 Oct, 2010
Thanks. this is a pic from a friend's garden who didn't know the name of the plants. they are flowering in autumn so would be nice to find out what they are.
i thought i had posted this without loggin in and then i when i tried to go back and say that it is me the site went down. it seems to go down quite a few times. does anyone else find the same problem or is it just me?
5 Oct, 2010
I haven't had any problems, Aimankay.
I hope we helped your friend, by the way.
5 Oct, 2010
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« Hi, can anyone ID this plant please? It sprouted this spring, has velvety/ bristley...
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Yellow violas, Fan Lobelia scarlet, more violas (pale blue), possibly petunias??
4 Oct, 2010