By Iain_p
United Kingdom
I put a fruit tree band on my Apple tree but still had problems this year.
To kill off any resident bugs etc. could I spray it with a diluted Jays fluid or would this do more harm than good.
4 Dec, 2022
Good advice on winter tarwash but be aware that some greese bands (which can, infact, be coated with a glue) can be so strong that they can trap small birds.
4 Dec, 2022
They would have to be very tiny birds surely to get behind the bands. Unless one is putting them on back to front, that is with the sticky side on the outside, not against the trunk.
Never managed to catch a bird on them in 60 years.
4 Dec, 2022
I know that my local garden centre decided to withdraw one manufacturer's supply for just that reason.
4 Dec, 2022
Apply the bands with the sticky side on the outside as per the directions. To do the other way would be bass ackwards:)
5 Dec, 2022
Hi Guys,
Thank you for all your comments they were very helpful.
5 Dec, 2022
How odd that we have been doing it wrong for 60 years and it works that way too!
5 Dec, 2022
But no way so well. Where I live we are going through a very heavy infestation of a newly introduced pest from the orient (where else) the spotted lantern fly. They are infesting our ornamental trees, fruit and nut trees, and grape vines in huge numbers and aside from man, have no natural enemies in my country USA. We have been taping our trees to catch the crawling non flying nymphs to try to keep their numbers down as the instructions say...sticky side out.
5 Dec, 2022
But to go back to the original, Jeyes Fluid would not be a good idea.
5 Dec, 2022
No, no ,no. Treat yourself to a bottle of Winter Spray. (Used to be called Winter Tar Oil). This is a horticultural soap concoction that kills off the eggs of overwintering buggits.
The grease bands are supposed to catch the hatched ones as they move down to overwinter in the soil around the tree. We found that they also stopped the ants from farming any aphids on the trees as they got stuck on the grease.
4 Dec, 2022