By Meadowland
Monmouthshire ,
United Kingdom
Wondering if any of you managed to keep Agastache plants from one summer to another...they are supposed to be short lived...going to give it a go I think.
29 Jan, 2023
I had the golden leaved one. It lasted a year.
30 Jan, 2023
I have a couple and they are sprouting now although I live in a frost pocket. As SBG says, they come easily from seed so you will have a back up.
30 Jan, 2023
I planted 'Firebird' last year and noticed the other day it has come through the winter
2 Feb, 2023
I have had some over the years that have lasted 3 years and they have seeded freely. This tends to be the purple/pinky flowered form A.mexicanum. Good for insects and the do seed slightly.
The more ornamental ones orange etc are not as hardy for me in East Yorks.
30 Jan, 2023