By Baffledbill
United Kingdom
Hi, I mentioned this small conifer before (July 2020) which appeared in my garden. My next question(s) regarding this plant is this.
After more than two years as you can see it has hardly grown much, I would like to encourage growth, so what would be best for it? Also, should I trim it and when is best time of the year?

14 Feb, 2023
It’s much too close to the fence, so Jimmy’s suggestion to pot it up is a good one. You can keep it then to whatever size it grows, & move it wherever you wish.
16 Feb, 2023
I thought Leylandii too. If you leave it there the stem will turn into a trunk and the plant's aim is to turn into a rapidly growing tall tree so remove it while you have the chance of doing it easily. Its not a particularly desirable tree so why not have a go at bonsai if you want to keep it?
16 Feb, 2023
Another two points- In England (I don't know if its the same for Scotland) Planting these as hedging is now illegal because they grow so tall they interfere with neighbours' light. And when you trim them be careful never to cut back beyond the green growth because if you do it will not regrow like other shrubs and trees do..
18 Feb, 2023
Ditto, I thought the same. For what it's worth, perhaps consider potting it up and give it away as it will, in time become very big and will be a nuisance in your garden.
14 Feb, 2023