By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Dismantling a garden compost bin.
We have several rectangular bins that are wider at the base. They slotted together easily but their are 'lugs' that stop them moving upwards.
So how do I dismantle them. Is there a trick to separating the sides?
Hubby just said why do you want to?
Answer so I can get in to dig/get all the stuff out. I can only reach half way in!
17 Apr, 2023
the plan is to reuse them but I am sure Steve will have considered that option. hahaI I think if we can get it up off the ground then a panel will continue to slide down. but then comes the problem of trying to get the front 'in place' but removeable in the future.
Perhaps I can grow extra longer legs and arms so I can reach in! I wouldn't mind being a bit taller.
18 Apr, 2023
Seriously though, try putting a spade under the edge of the bin and levering the whole thing up. That is how I have got the last bit of compost from one of those Dalek shaped things.
18 Apr, 2023
that is a brilliant idea, thanks when it stops raining I will give it a go.
19 Apr, 2023
18 Apr, 2023