By Weeducks
United Kingdom
Hi all, I have been away for some time now and find my herbs are all flowering like mad. The bees etc are thoroughly enjoying them and I am enjoying the view. However every thing I read about herbs is NOT to let them flower at all. Question should I remove all the flowers, some of the flowers or none? Think late July is probably too late to do anything. Any advice will be gratefully received
26 Jul, 2023
Thank you for your quick reply. They are all perennial so
will wait and let the wee creatures enjoy themselves. I knew I could rely on Growson you to come up trumps.
26 Jul, 2023
if they are perennial herbs like thyme/sage etc then they will be fine to dead head after they have finished flowering, and they will come good next year. If annual then they will die at the end of the year or after setting seed. So you could remove flowers now to keep them in leaf for the rest of the summer.
26 Jul, 2023