By Suebabe
United Kingdom
Hi all can you help me please how can i get rid of nettles my garden has always had a lot i don't know wjhat to do i have a small dog and don't want to put anything down that will hurt him thanks sue
9 Oct, 2010
yes that is a good solution. you could if you dont mind using herbicides spray them with a systemic weedkiller now and then the weedkiller is taken down into the roots and kills them off over the winter.
I dig them out as I find it rather satisfying. I know I'm odd.
9 Oct, 2010
I too dig them out SBG its quite relaxing somehow! following the runners.
9 Oct, 2010
Nettles are really one of the easiest weeds to remove as they root quite shallowly, if you don't mind getting down to pull them out and dig out the remaining root. Usually if you give them a real tug from the base of the stem you can pull out a great deal of root at the same time. What's left in the soil is quite easy to remove.
Remove any new growth in the spring in the same way and you won't have any further problems.
As a 'macho man' I don't even use gloves! (Well, the second part is true, if not the first)
10 Oct, 2010
Previous question
The best way for you Sue is to dig them out now as they are dying back.
9 Oct, 2010