By Somhairle
Bolted Leeks
Several of my leeks have bolted and I assume this is due to the type of weather we have had this year. In the past, I seem to remember that we removed the seed head and as much of the stem as we could but left the leeks in the ground to continue to grow. They had a stronger flavour but were not inedible.
However, I have not found anything that backs this up. What do others think?
5 Sep, 2023
Hywel, that could be right. It was a very warm, dry spring. Then cool, damp summer. Now it is a warm, dry autumn. Hopeless!
6 Sep, 2023
My turnips came to nothing, just leaves and then bolting. I threw them all away. I didn't try anything else this year - garden is in a mess, but next year I hope to put one or two more things, and hope for suitable weather ...
6 Sep, 2023
I would say that they will bolt due to the lack of water. They will stand overwintering in poor conditions but will become stressed when summer comes and become dry and will run to seed in an attempt to reproduce.
7 Sep, 2023
Jimmy, it was not lack of water. I know it sounds like the probable cause, but the ground is not the driest pasrt of the garden and is naturally pretty damp. Run off from a patio also contributes to this. And when it did become drier they were watered when needed.
But it is more to do with can the stems be removed and the plants left to continue to grow?
7 Sep, 2023
I honestly think you might as well wait and start again in the spring. Mine have been rubbish this year
17 Sep, 2023
I haven't grown leeks for many years but I know the weather affects many vegetables and causes them to bolt. I think it's usually a cold spell that does it.
6 Sep, 2023