By Redhead
United Kingdom
I have recently moved house. Before i moved i took loads of cuttings from my garden all sorts they are doing very well in their pots at the moment BUT. We are only in rented at the moment. so this is not permenant,Now i have dug over a lovely area of garden to use as a nursery bed for my plants do i put them in the ground in their pots will that harm them over the winter or shall i plant straight into the ground? I don't want them dying of shock on me! I don't feel i can just leave them in the pots as the winter cold may kill them and i don't have a greenhouse or sheltered area to keep them. What do you suggest i do [i have things like daphne's peonnies, siberiea iris, lupins,Knautia,trateskantia,[sorry not spelt right]etc.
many thanks
12 Oct, 2010
would they freeze if you buried the pots then mulched thow spritz ?
12 Oct, 2010
I'd still do it, Np - so they got their roots in a little.
12 Oct, 2010
well you may well be right spritz and i guess if you can take the first cuttings you can do it again . just a thaught . take care bye for now .
13 Oct, 2010
I would think that they'd be better planted in the soil, Redhead. The pots could freeze, thus killing the plants.
12 Oct, 2010