By Chickenjkm
United Kingdom
Can anyone advise me on planting where there are lots of tree roots? We have recently moved and have a very long but narrow garden. It has been neglected for some years and now we have cleared all the brambles we have the problem of how to plant when there are roots everywhere from neighbouring trees. We will put in a couple of raised beds for veg but would like some advice on how to get around the root problem in an inexpensive way.
12 Oct, 2010
Shallow rooted plants will probably survive. Vinca does well - the variegated sorts lighten up darker areas and don't spread quite as much as the all green ones, though it is still a bit of a thug.
12 Oct, 2010
you could always put pots and shade lovers around the base or put some decking over them and use different size pots for interest .
12 Oct, 2010
I would line the bottom and sides of the raised beds with weed barrier to keep tree roots from creeping in, too.
13 Oct, 2010
good thinking tugbreth
13 Oct, 2010
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Basically, you can't, especially if the trees aren't yours. It's very hard to dig and plant in such conditions. Are the trees also giving shade to your garden? Are they deciduous? I think one thing you could do is create a woodland garden - buy English bluebells in the green in spring, snowdrops in the green, Cyclamen hederifolium & C. coum. In the meantime, try to plant bulbs in between the roots, like crocuses, scillas, chionodoxa and Anemone blanda - all en masse.
Other small woodland plants that would thive are Omphalodes verna, O. cappadocica, Geranium maccrorrhizum, G. nodusum and G. versicolor, Gallium, Ajuga. All these will spread through and over the roots once they get going.
12 Oct, 2010