By Hollyeves
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
This plant has started to grow in some of my pots.... does anyone know what it is.... i did not plant it....
14 Oct, 2010
It looks suspiciously like a baby foxglove! I'm over run with them and no idea where they came from. They stay small for ages then suddenly take off and take over.
14 Oct, 2010
thats what i thought they may be.... but my foxgloves leaves are different to these.....
14 Oct, 2010
my neighbour gave me some pots of things she did not want and these have all sprouted up in them.....
14 Oct, 2010
Looks like foxgloves, I agree - as long as the leaves aren't unpleasant to touch. If they feel nasty to the touch, they're borage, not something you want seeding itself round the garden.
14 Oct, 2010
they are quite soft to touch Bamboo.........
14 Oct, 2010
Foxgloves then.
14 Oct, 2010
Indeed Foxgloves. The tiny seeds blow around and get everywhere!
15 Oct, 2010
Thanks everyone....
15 Oct, 2010
Yes these are foxgloves Hollyeves. I have found a number of these growing in my tubs too, probably from the birds pooh!!
15 Oct, 2010
Thanks Linsuffolk....
16 Oct, 2010
The dry seed pods (carpels) split open to release dust-like seed that is wind blown because of its very small size. The carpels are not bird attractant in the slightest so sorry Linsuffolk, not through bird poo. ;-)
17 Oct, 2010
: O ))
18 Oct, 2010
Thanks Fractal, you've taught me something I didn't know. Its good to learn new things, thats why GOY is so interesting!
19 Oct, 2010
I learn something new everyday myself Linsuffolk :-)
20 Oct, 2010
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Looks like a young foxglove to me - could be wrong though!
14 Oct, 2010