By Meadowland
Monmouthshire ,
United Kingdom
I'm thinking of buying Alstromerias plants this year for the first time..are there any that aren't so invasive and also a medium height please?
6 Mar, 2024
Another vote for 'Indian Summer'. I also have a bright orange one that came in a packet that has spread like wildfire! It was supposed to be red, so beware labelling....
7 Mar, 2024
The website which advertises them is a bit dodgy so take care where you buy them.
7 Mar, 2024
Indian Summer is part of the ‘Summer Paradise’ series. So it may be worth looking at others in the series. My Indian summer grew very big, very fast. I reached about 4’ wide by about 3’ high but after that it has reduced in vigour and in flowering every year. I was, in the end, a little disappointed to be honest. My other very tall yellow one, which my Mum gave me, was a beauty. It was spreading gently. I bought six more dwarf ones from a specialist nursery, but none of them came back in the second year. So make sure you really get hardy ones!
8 Mar, 2024
I have Indian summer and that is well behaved and about 18 - 24" tall .
avoid Orange King it is a thug.
6 Mar, 2024