By Joanairey
United Kingdom
Beetroot growers everywhere! Do you grow your own beets? I have been growing them for a few years and they usually turn out OK. However, this time they have bolted. Have I planted the seeds too soon? They are the usual bolthardy ones. I have started them indoors this time as opposed to the greenhouse and they are at a temperature of about 72f/21c.
27 Apr, 2024
Just like Eileen, I used to grow my beetroot directly in the soil so no root disturbance. I would do the same and wait until it warms up so there is no check in the growth. They don't look out of place sown in between bedding plants.
27 Apr, 2024
Thanks, both of you! The thing is, I don't have a lot of space and sometimes grow them in quite deep troughs. I get about four in them.
1 May, 2024
I usually sow them directly in the ground where they are to grow. I find pre sown ones are more likely to bolt due to root disturbance when they are planted out.
more went to seed quickly last year due to the erratic watering.
27 Apr, 2024