By Bernard
United Kingdom
Are there any other plants I can plant among a large area of Bluebells that won't be swamped by them. I've noticed that when while the bluebells are flowering and when they have finished, the leaves flop over and entirely cover the ground, causing any small plants to give up and die. It would be nice to find some plants that are strong enough to survive or that begin their growth after the bluebells have finished, like Hostas for example. Otherwise the area looks very dead and decrepit for the rest of the year.
17 Oct, 2010
I found that Euphorbia amygdaloides can give bluebells a run for their money, but that species of Euphorbia can be a bit overpowering (thuggish) for small spaces. I have ivy growing on the ground where my bluebells are now. Also a thug BTW
17 Oct, 2010
We have an East-facing bank that is covered in bluebells every year. The bank is also planted with fuchsias, bear's britches and ferns. We cut the fuchsias back when the bluebells are about 2-3 inches tall and the ferns and bear's britches die back in the Winter and don't appear until after long after the bluebells have finished. This way we get to see the bluebells in all their glory and still have interest later in the year.
18 Oct, 2010
Thanks for your responses, Bernard
19 Oct, 2010
I have bluebells growing with ferns quite happily. I don't know the name of the ferns, sorry, they die down for the winter leaving a big crown above ground. When the bluebell leaves die down I remove them and the ferns begin sprouting new fronds.
I expect you'll get more suggestions from others with more knowledge.
17 Oct, 2010