By Chrisf989
Surrey, United Kingdom
We have a buddlea bush which has suffered this year with a problem we had a couple of years ago too.
The leaves wilt during the hotter part of the day but it is not through lack of water, they then recover in the evening.
In addition the leaves drop loads of sap and this attracts hundreds of flies and wasps which divebomb us as the bush is just outside our sliding doors. The sap drops onto the paving slabs and this attract wasps to drink it from the floor.Do these plants suffer with a condition like clematis wilt for example?
- 17 Oct, 2010
Agree, sap dripping not a problem with Buddleia - I note though that you've had a lot of birds ostensibly feeding off the seeds on the spent flowerheads - sounds to me like some kind of insect infestation causing the trouble -honeydew from aphids? The birds may not only be eating seeds, but eating insects too...
17 Oct, 2010
Im aware of them wilting in the heat and then recovering but not dropping sap. Is the bark injured in anyway, id the tree large or old?
17 Oct, 2010