The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Kent, United Kingdom Gb

Hello Everyone ,
It's been a while but can anyone help with this problem i have with my Buddleia's , I have four in the garden and two of them have developed these blotchy spots on the leaves , also underneath there are tiny black 'bugs' which someone said were 'Lady Bird ' Lava ? my neighbour has several Buddleia which so far are not affected , did wonder if our weather / climate , torrential rain and damp for days has had an effect ! I have never before had anything like this .
Many Thanks

Buddlia_ 20240604_091712_garden_buddlia



Downy mildew which thrives in damp conditions, and causes angular patches on the leaves between the veins. The fungus itself is more often visible on the underside of the leaves. Badly infected foliage will turn brown and die back when conditions become drier.
Try a Fungicide.

4 Jun, 2024


Ours has the same on some leaves also one of the Spireas affected.

4 Jun, 2024


Hello , thank you both , yes i thought as much , i do have a fungicide so will give that a go , one large bush is looking somewhat better but we havent had any rain for a few days !!! . doesn't seem to have affected anything else so fingers crossed .
All the best Lucy .

5 Jun, 2024


Hi Meadowland, Hopefully your Spireas start to recover too , been a funny spring for a lot despite all the Rain !

5 Jun, 2024


Thank you Heronbay...hopefully it works...the Buddleja here is a compact version with red flowers. Newly planted last year.

5 Jun, 2024

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