By 13christine
United Kingdom
6 years ago I moved and `inherited` a very young laburnum tree it has never had more than 3 flowers on although it has a healthy crop of leaves. Is there anything I can do to encouage flowers next year, or does it have to be a certain age before it will flower. Talking to neighbours it was about 2 yr old when I moved so will be about 8 year old now. It was a grafted tree purchased at a Garden centre not a `bird set`
18 Oct, 2010
Thanks for suggestion although I did try tomato food last yer, which I believe is high in potash
20 Oct, 2010
If it was a bird sown seedling then it may never flower very well. The best Laburnums are from specially raised stock or grafted plants, so unfortunately it may never peform too well. However, give it a good feed of potash in spring as you might for any fruit tree etc.
18 Oct, 2010