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small garden with big hedge that i cant control.

United Kingdom

do i dig it up or cut it



Why can't you control it? Is it growing too tall/thick/quickly? My husband has a petrol hedge cutter and copes with our tall and long hedge by trimming it twice a year. You can also buy electric hedge cutters.

28 Aug, 2008


well i ask a friend if i could borrow their services ie a van to despose of the waste but they were unable to help i have been cutting it with a lumber saw but this gets tiring??? its a mix of plants and some are practically trees 14 foot plus

28 Aug, 2008


Oh - so it's a very mixed hedge, and far too high to cope with. I think under the circumstances, I'd rather be without it and put a fence in with a trellis to grow nice climbers. You'd give yourself much more light, too! A huge job to remove, though! And as you say, the problem of getting rid of it all, too. I hope you can think of a solution to this one.

28 Aug, 2008


Hello Thumb,
Perhaps this is the kind of hedge you could control once you've had some help from friends or professionals to get down to a more manageable height or width?
So many hedges are disappearing, and if you are interested in having varied wildlife in yr garden, it's worth the extra effort. If you only want minimum maintenance, then taking the hedge away completely may suit you better.
By the sound of it, you'll need some help with the heavy work digging it all out anyway, if you decide not to keep it? Can you post a photo of it?
If you want to be kind to nesting birds, certain times of year are recommended for trimming, depending on plants. For instance, we have a big beech hedge, and my neighbour advised cutting twice a year in June & October.
Wish you success!

28 Aug, 2008


You CAN'T control it or WON'T control it??? The maintenance of a hedge that big doesn't sound like something you want to do, I'd suggest thinning it out, and letting a few choice plants grow freely and in their natural habit.

I want to see a picture of this uncontrolable hedge, please post one up.

28 Aug, 2008


a photo posted thanks all

29 Aug, 2008


that's like a little forest, I'm sure the animals love it. It does look a little chaotic though.

29 Aug, 2008


u see the hole in the middle that is three whole weekends work i want to keep the hedge for the wildlife i dont think there is anything in it at present. i really do have to call TIMBER when i'm out cutting it

29 Aug, 2008


Thumb, this is a big job but don't give up yet unless it's too much for you! Wish I could come and help because I think my abilities are greatest in the demolition department.
However, if you keep at it, and take the whole lot just down to the level of that side window in the picture, the wildlife really will thank you. Too many gardens have lost precious areas like this and it has a big knock-on effect.

3 Sep, 2008


You could really make this look good, you know. Keep at it!

3 Sep, 2008

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