The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Monmouthshire , United Kingdom

This obelisk has been supporting a Clematis and the very pretty Warm Welcome climbing rose for many years.Time has come to replace the crumbling obelisk. I'm wondering whether I should wait until the end of September before I cut down the climbers or maybe I could do this now? As the photo shows there is more top growth .Could anyone suggest the best time please?



Personally I would do it in Autumn when all the growth has ceased. Then all the new growth can be tied in as it grows next year.
Just out of curiosity which clematis is it and when does it flower?

27 Aug, 2024


Eileen,I don't know the flowers before June every year.I usually only prune it to a good bud in early Spring.

27 Aug, 2024


Thank you for the advice.

27 Aug, 2024


As you prune it in the spring I would do the refit in the Autumn. as I said both plants wont be fussed by the autumn prune.

28 Aug, 2024


Thank you so much!

28 Aug, 2024

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