The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Piers66

Surrey, United Kingdom

Plant identification please!

This plant (shrub?) probably self seeded, and is in the wrong place so scheduled for the compost heap, but it has tiny white / pink flowers and looks kind of ornamental so I'm wondering whether I should give it a second chance somewhere else.

Can anyone tell me what it is?



I'd go with Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus, can be come invasive and is causing some issues when it gets out into the wider landscape.

1 Sep, 2024


Thanks for the info, that's definitely it. I went back and had a closer look, and it's got a couple of white berries on it already.

Is this something I can grow in a container to reduce the chance of spreading, or is it better to just get rid of it?

1 Sep, 2024


I personally don't like it, never have. But because t is spreading into the wild I would definitely get rid of it.
But at the end of the day it is your garden and your choice.
It will grow in a large pot if you want to keep it.

2 Sep, 2024


A thug of the first order, Never plant it out in the garden.

2 Sep, 2024

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