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Middlesex, United Kingdom

My tomatoes are disappointing this year. I only planted 11 this time, a mixture of moneymaker, roma and marmande. I also put them in the ground rather than in pots like I normally do. At the time of writing most of them are still green and small. We have had a very mixed summer where I live in terms of sun and temperature. I have brought a few in to ripen. Has anyone else had this experience?



yes mine are small and tougher skinned than normal. Most of mine are still green, though enough ripe ones to keep me happy. Many will end up as compost sadly. I blame the weather.

29 Sep, 2024


Thanks, Seaburngirl. Don't take this the wrong way but I am relieved that someone like yourself also has the same problem! I am picking one or two off as the days go by and they are as usual lovely! Yes, a number of mine are also small and clearly will not be edible and will get thrown away. I am picking the larger green ones and getting them to ripen indoors with a bit of success. I usually give a quantity to neighbours but sadly this time there will only be enough for moi!

29 Sep, 2024


Ours were attacked by a caterpillar of some description, but before that they were reasonable. We have done better in previous years. We grow in pots in the greenhouse.
The green ones left after removing the plants are turning red nicely. Taste good too.
Now if you were talking about Squash that would be different. We have not had a single one this year.

29 Sep, 2024


Sorry to hear that, Owdboggy. At least I have been caterpillar free! It has been suggested to me that I try growing some toms in the greenhouse. Do you have artificial lighting for them or is it just that they are warmer in there?? Are you saying the caterpillars were in the greenhouse though, as that would not be the solution. Fortunately, I don't grow squash!!! Let's hope for a vast improvement all round next year!
I also lost a few things quite early on such as cayenne and come to think of it, my beets don't look that great and are still quite small. Oh dear!

29 Sep, 2024


No lighting. The extra heat from being indoors usually helps the plants. Never had any success at all with them outdoors. Too cold!

29 Sep, 2024


I grow tomatoes in a greenhouse and my results have been mixed. The beefsteak have been excellent and I have managed to cure the blossom end rot that plagued me last year by adding extra lime and watering up to twice a day. The Essex Wonder heritage variety turned out to be some cherry type of which some ripened and others remained green to yellow and have just begun to split. Still waiting for the Alicante to produce anything edible.They are all begining to close down as we had a frost on Friday.

29 Sep, 2024


After a bad year last year, both outside & in, I tried some different varieties this year, taking full advantage of price reductions to try something different.
Concentrating on blight resistance because in previous years blight has taken the plant before ripening.

Seems to have paid off and most of mine ripened, in fact I still have a ripe truss outside
My only regret is I seem to have chosen a lot of Cherry types, tasty enough but something the size of Moneymaker is missing

30 Sep, 2024


Mine were also small and one plant didn't even produce flowers. I think the weather is to blame.
However my cherry tomatoes on the patio have been good.

30 Sep, 2024


Hi Joan. I binned mine a couple of weeks ago. Plenty of fruits, but far too late to ripen outside. I’m definitely giving up on tomatoes now. I’ve tried for about 10 years with no real success. I guess I just can’t grow tomatoes! It’s the weather isn’t it. :(

30 Sep, 2024


Thanks all of you. I have only just seen a couple of your later entries. I think this is due to the fact that they don't e-mail you now if you have any replies and things moved on.
On balance it seems everyone is disappointed this year. I am still picking one or two off and ripening them indoors but there are not enough this time to give to neighbours. The cherries seem to be the most productive but I didn't grow any this year! Moneymaker is the usual one but even that has been disappointing and I need not mention Black Russian and Marmande! Let's hope for better weather next summer!!!
Thanks again all of you who took the trouble to contribute to this sad tale!

9 Oct, 2024


I picked loads today, some red but mostly green. They will ripen in due course. The plants are now in the compost bin.

Need to clear the greenhouse properly, ready for bringing in the half hardy stuff and cuttings etc.

9 Oct, 2024


We also have the same problem as SBG. we have lots of very small ones but only a few bigger ones. Enough to keep us going but they are nowhere nearly as sweet as they usually are. Like us humans, they haven't enjoyed the weather either!

15 Oct, 2024

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