By Rebecca_h
United Kingdom
Flattening a sloping garden that will be dog proof.
Our back garden slopes up away from the house that garden is about 60foot long and slopes up about 5foot. Currently there is a patio area, step up to a sloping flower bed (trampled by the dogs), a sloping something resembling a lawn, then a rockery type thing (i think this was a step that has fallen over.
I am looking to change update this to give more usable space, thinking of enlarging the patio and lawn by removing the flower bed and having a larger step. Flattening the lawn and then forming a proper step to raised flower bed thing at the back of the garden. To allow the edible plants to be out of the way of the dogs.
Looking to see if this seems a sensible plan and a low cost way of making the approx 2 foot steps.
Also need help to make a dog proof lawn for active dogs, and maybe some plants as a border to the lawn area that are low maintenance and dog proof.
19 Oct, 2010
Now joined. If there is no form of dog proof lawn I think we will have to go with fake grass, although I would prefer something natural really. But I cant keep the dogs off the lawn as, even with the lawn the garden is still quite small for them.
22 Oct, 2010
Welcome to GoY Rebecca - Spritzhenry will probably have some good advice. You could send her a private message.
23 Oct, 2010
Sorry to be stupid, how do I find her profile to pm her?
9 Nov, 2010
type Spritzhenry in the search engine.
9 Nov, 2010
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Then you will need to join GoY so that you can answer our queries. I can tell you though that no lawn is dog proof, you'll need to keep your dogs off it - ditto the flower beds.
20 Oct, 2010