South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
When is the last time to cut lawns in the autumn?
20 Oct, 2010
As spritz says carry on cutting until it stops growing which depending on where you live in the Uk and the specific weather we get can be late October to mid December.
It is a good idea to raise the cutting height half an inch or so when cutting later in the year.
I'm a professional gardener and I've only once cut grass in January but two or three years ago I got several calls from my customers to do so.
In an average year in mid latitude UK I cut weekly until the end of October twice in November once in late February or early March and get back to weekly in April. This schedule varies a bit ( but not usually much) depending on weather. Grass stops growing when temperatures drop below 6c
20 Oct, 2010
Many moons ago I remember himself cutting the grass on New Year's Day! That was totally abnormal for this neck of the woods. Bulba. cuts the grass of an elderly neighbour and is expecting to make the last cut of the year once the grass is dry enough.
20 Oct, 2010
OH cut ours yesterday - I'm sure that won't be the last time this year, though.
20 Oct, 2010
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There isn't really any date, Guest - in a mild autumn (or even winter!), the grass will carry on growing, while if it gets cold, its rate of growth will slow down.
If our grass gets too long and we get dry weather, then my husband cuts it. Play it by ear - or eye! lol.
20 Oct, 2010