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Im moving house in 3 weeks and i have a fir tree which is nearly 30 years old and12 foot high it is very sentimental to me but i cant take it with me as its too big . Can i take cuttings from it to take with me or is there anything else i can do .please help



well you have nothing to lose in trying cuttings. have there been any cones? if yes you may be able to get seed from them and have 'child of' your fir.
you will info in this article.

5 Feb, 2025


I really feel your pain Ladybelle. I think the hardest plant for me to leave behind was my Pine Tree. I had grown it for about 17 years, first in a pot and then in the ground and it was about 10 feet tall. I had pruned it lovingly into a very beautiful shape. Before we left I looked up how much it would cost to replace it and I think about 20K. I’m sorry I have nothing to offer but empathy and the sadness of starting again from scratch (or a cutting). But that’s life, and one day we will have to leave everything. So think of it as practice at accepting great loss. 😢

14 Feb, 2025

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