By Misssixty
United Kingdom
Please could anyone advise me on the care and position of a pickaback plant [ Tolmiea Menziesii ] which is very healthy at present, but I always seem to lose them in winter , it is indoors in a cool position. Thank you.
On plant
Tolmiea Menziesii
20 Oct, 2010
I tried it outdoors Bamboo but found it wasn't hardy enough to last every winter.
20 Oct, 2010
Thank you to all replies, will keep it in a cool place and hope it will survive. Think I have posted this reply in the wrong place, not to good at this.
21 Oct, 2010
No, it's exactly right Missixty! It's confusing if you start a new thread to reply - much better to add a post to your original question if that's what it refers to.
Keep on keeping on! :-)
21 Oct, 2010
Really Beattie, even in Cornwall? I've had it as ground cover outside for nearly ten years - some years it gets killed back in some patches, but its still there...
21 Oct, 2010
I had it and lost it one winter. I always assumed it wasn't hardy enough. Perhaps it succumbed to rabbits or slugs. :-(
21 Oct, 2010
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this plant is interesting because it will serve as a houseplant, but is also perfectly hardy outside - I have it as ground cover in a shady area. Anyway, obviously, it relishes cool (not below 40 deg F) temperatures, needs good ventilation and a sunless environment, so it won't like your heated house in winter. Find as cool a spot as you can for it.
20 Oct, 2010