By Meanie
United Kingdom
My Brugmansia got left out last night and the frost got it!
Is it now "scrap"?
Thanks in advance.
21 Oct, 2010
Ahh !! that happened to mine couple of years ago. It was 6' & the very first mild frost killed all the the leaves immediatly. However I bought it into the conservatory ( unheated ) & just watched the stem wither thoughout the winter. Thinking this was the end it sprouted 5 or 6 new shoots from the base in Spring. It's 8' now so give it a chance in a frost free place keeping it barely moist. Good luck. what colour is it btw?
21 Oct, 2010
Yes, they will often sprout from the base. The lignified older stems should hopefully have resisted the frost better than the softer newer growth at the top.
21 Oct, 2010
Thanks guys!
Maybe I'll stick it in the garage then. I cold period may just give it the kick up the butt that makes it flower next year!
22 Oct, 2010
Good luck with it, Meanie.
22 Oct, 2010
Possibly - but don't give up on it. I'd take a chance and keep it frost-free until the late spring and watch for signs of life....good luck.
21 Oct, 2010