By Feefee1
United Kingdom
Please can anyone help me, my garden has been eaten by catapillars. At first i thought it was slugs or snails but lately plants have been eaten to their stems, my husband pulled one put of a Fushia bud yesterday. They are not in just one part of the garden, they are all over, a Alstrom has been eaten completely the only thing thats left is a couple of stems. I really need help with this one, i need to get rid of these little green monsters, i will be eternally gratsful for advice.
29 Aug, 2008
I bought a spray from the Garden Centre which was supposed to kill them off and it worked to an extent. I have been checking my plants and picking off the ones that survived.
29 Aug, 2008
Well there is a Bacillus that is supposed to work on caterpillars, BT comes in a mixable spray, some people don't like to use it, but it is relatively safe. However I am not sure how available it is in the UK.
29 Aug, 2008