The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Lanarkshire, United Kingdom

Following a guest question about pruning clematis. I have two Clematis, a Honeysuckle and a Philadelphus which I planted in recent weeks. Will they need pruned next spring or do I wait until the following spring after the first flowering? Is there a general rule to puning new plantings? I have a number of hardy perennials planted from seed, but not flowered this year. Don't want to kill them with kindness. Thanks.



Yes, you should prune the Clematis as long as they're in group 2 or 3. To save going through how and when, read a blog I wrote which you'll find if you type 'Clematis pruning' into the search box, Silverbell.

I hope you know which group your new plants are in. If you don't, let me know their names and I might be able to help. It should say on the labels, though.

Philadelphus should be pruned after it flowers. Next year, just cut off the flowered stems a little to shape it.

24 Oct, 2010


Thanks Spritz. I'll look at your blog in the morning - and the labels ! I remember that one was 50p in B&Q and the other was a Montanna something:)) thanks again.

24 Oct, 2010


All C. montanas are in group 1, so that shouldn't be pruned. I wonder which group 50p comes in? LOL.

25 Oct, 2010


. . . Ahh Spritz - 50p is a "C.savemeifyoucan" lol :)).
Early spring flowering Margaret Hunt is what the label says on that one and the other is Montanna Grandiflora - instructions were on the packet, which (of course) I didn't keep. Going out just now, but will get a look at your blog when I get back. Many thanks. :)

25 Oct, 2010


That's very misleading - 'Margaret Hunt' should flower in July - September, and it's a group 3 (hard prune) one. I wouldn't call that 'early flowering', would you? It should be lavender-pink.

C. montana 'Grandiflora' is vigorous and a group 1.

25 Oct, 2010


You're totally right Spritz. "Summer - early autumn" How I got that wrong I do not know - sorry about that :(. So glad you were able to keep me right. I'm off to read your blog now. Thanks again. :)

25 Oct, 2010


No problem. :-)))

25 Oct, 2010

How do I say thanks?

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