By Meredithhunt
United Kingdom
We have two very much loved mature apple trees in our garden which have apparently become affected by honey fungus. We understand there is no treatment and we must remove the trees without delay or the diseas could spread throughout the garden.
Can you confirm this is the case or do you think we could risk leaving the trees in situ and just 'see what happens'?
if removal is necessary, could you suggest a mature tree/s we could put in their place so as not to be left with a horrible gap in our garden 'landscape'. It is a town garden of approx 100ft long by 50ft wide. The trees were approx 20 and 25ft high with girth cirumferences of 2ft and 2ft 6". Thank you so much.
yours sincerely
Meredith Hunt
25 Oct, 2010
most growers seem to think that it is best to dig up and burn infected trees. i have been told armillatox can be used to treat the soil after removal of trees, but the control of the disease is very difficult
25 Oct, 2010
You will also need to remove as much of the roots of the trees too. You may need to call in a'stump-grinder'.
25 Oct, 2010
I'd leave them, and keep an eye on other stuff. As it's a difficult fungus to eradicate, it's probably all over the garden in some stage of its growth anyway, and healthy plants are resisting its attack. Let the trees fade gracefully. They'll pobably live for a while yet. Unless they're threatening to fall on anyone, allow them to provie wildlife habitat for a few years. Someone will probably slate me for this, but I think everything's got its place. Phil J
25 Oct, 2010
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Regarding Honey Fungus there can be no assurance as it is very unpredictable. There are several species of Armillaria that can effect woody plants aggressively though surprisingly, they can leave some unharmed living in association with tree of shrub roots.
Might be worth checking this site out.
Click on the link Honey Fungus
25 Oct, 2010