By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Fuschia Sarah's Delta...amongst others!
Having spent ages this weekend potting up young fuschias...I did lose quite a few last year... I did wonder whether some Sarah's Delta, planted out as plugs this summer, would survive? They are still in full bloom,both in the ground and in pots. As they are very large, would they have a better chance of survival? Am I just being lazy...and ought to pot them up and put in the greenhouse?
25 Oct, 2010
Yes, Volunteer, I know it is hardy...BUT I sometimes think that they need protection in their first year...I grew them from 1" plugs. Perhaps I'm wrong!...however, last year I lost a fair few 'babies'! Difficult, isn't it? They have such lovely blooms I agree.:-)))
25 Oct, 2010
I'm not risking mine, as they've been in a pot. They're in the greenhouse. I think it's different if they've been in the ground and are mature plants. If they're babies, I'd protect them, I think.
25 Oct, 2010
the one in the ground died last year. the ones in pots were kept in the unheated greenhouse and only one of the 3 came through. So hardy mmmm not so sure.
25 Oct, 2010
I am now convinced that I need to move them! I hate growing plants from a tiny plug...and then losing them.
My friend tossed all her Pelargoniums into the compost heap this morning. She thinks I'm mad to try to save plants...cost is a big factor!
26 Oct, 2010
What a waste! It isn't 'just' cost, after all... those poor plants. :-((
i think you're wise to move the fuchsias. I hope they survive - no reason why not!
26 Oct, 2010
LOL, Spritz...she had already 'dumped' all the fuchsia plants from her hanging baskets, many of which were hardy. They weren't recoverable though...shredded! Sadly, she shredded two Heucheras as well! I could have cried!
I must admit I'm more careful now about what I try to save. When I was teaching full-time, I also dumped all the summer bedding as I never had time to save it! Disgusting! LOL.
26 Oct, 2010
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I bought a Sarah's Delta this year and the label says that it's hardy. I'm going to leave it in the ground and see if it really is! It has a lovely flower doesn't it.
25 Oct, 2010